This mod­ule is called “Emotional intel­li­gence, a tool for crisis and con­flict man­age­ment”. Here you will learn key con­cepts related to self-awareness, emo­tion­al self-regulation, and emo­tion­al intel­li­gence, among oth­ers, with the aim of learn­ing how to man­age con­flicts and crises in a peace­ful and sat­is­fact­ory way for all parties.

In addi­tion, through­out the mod­ule, you will find sev­er­al prac­tic­al exer­cises and videos that allow for a much more dynam­ic learn­ing process.

In the sub-modules there is more con­crete inform­a­tion on self-knowledge and strength­en­ing of self-esteem and con­fid­ence, you will find sev­er­al defin­i­tions of self-esteem, as well as some related terms (self-concept, self-efficacy, self-affect) sup­por­ted by dif­fer­ent authors.

You will also learn about mul­tiple intel­li­gences and basic and com­plex emo­tions, as well as tips on how to recog­nize them.

CreARTivity: 1.2. Emotional Regulation (prac­tic­al video)


After this, you will learn about the con­cepts of per­cep­tion and vis­ion of crisis and con­flict. You will work on terms such as assert­ive­ness and resilience.

Finally, you will be able to acquire mul­tiple tools for crisis and con­flict man­age­ment, a prac­tic­al video is avail­able here.

CreARTivity: 1.4. Crisis and Conflict Management (prac­tic­al video)


CreARTivity is a pro­ject co-financed by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union, coordin­ated by our entity (Iniciativa Internacional Joven) and has the col­lab­or­a­tion of Espressione Hip Hop (Italy), AAUTS (Portugal) and True Enforcers of Advance Movement (Cyprus).