CreARTivity is a 21-months Strategic Partnership in the field of youth for innov­a­tion pro­ject that involves four organ­isa­tions from dif­fer­ent European coun­tries (Cyprus, Portugal, Italy and Spain), that aims to pro­mote young people’s cre­ativ­ity and sense of ini­ti­at­ive through a meth­od­o­logy based on art and jointly cre­ated by youth work­ers and artists in the frame of non-formal education.

The main object­ives of the pro­ject are:
‑To improve key com­pet­ences of young people to come up with cre­at­ive and innov­at­ive solu­tions and put it into prac­tice in a con­text of crisis;
‑To rein­force the com­pet­ences of youth work­ers, urb­an artists and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als in the field of youth for devel­op­ing high­er qual­ity activ­it­ies and/or pro­jects with young people, espe­cially those with few­er oppor­tun­it­ies, using art as a socio-educational tool;
‑To cre­ate a new train­ing pro­gramme and edu­ca­tion­al tools for strength­en­ing cre­ativ­ity, sense of ini­ti­at­ive and resi­li­ence in young people through the exper­i­ence of artists;
‑To exchange exper­i­ences, good prac­tices and meth­od­o­lo­gies on Emotional Intelligence in urb­an art between dif­fer­ent insti­tu­tions, organ­iz­a­tions and pro­fes­sion­als in the field of youth;
‑To cre­ate an inter­na­tion­al net­work of organ­iz­a­tions act­ive in the fields of youth and cul­ture that use art as a tool for skills devel­op­ment, inclu­sion and social trans­form­a­tion, in order to pro­mote the cooper­a­tion between Programme Countries.

Duration of the pro­ject: 01/05/2021 – 31/01/2023 [21 months]

The main activ­it­ies are:
-Online kick­off meet­ing to define gen­er­al aspects of the pro­ject and plan­ning the steps before the coordin­a­tion meeting;
‑Local Activity I: Analysis of the artists’ cre­at­ive pro­cess;
-Transnational Coordination Meeting in Portugal to spe­cify strategies, work­ing meth­od­o­lo­gies and details of activities;
-Local activ­it­ies II: ana­lys­is of learn­ing needs, present­a­tions of the pro­ject at loc­al level, iden­ti­fic­a­tion and meet­ings with stake­hold­ers and present­a­tion of the pro­ject to loc­al population;
-Transnational Coordination Meeting in Spain;
‑Creation of the tools and mater­i­als of the Online Training Course for young people and trans­la­tion to the lan­guage of each partner;
-Multiplier Events in each coun­try to launch the Online Training Course;
-Contest of Creative Videos to motiv­ate young people to be cre­at­ive and take initiative;
‑Creation of the Manual for youth work­ers to devel­op cre­ativ­ity and sense of ini­ti­at­ive through art;
‑Creation of the eBook and video of the project;
-Final Conference in Italy to present pro­jec results.
-Local Activities III: final ver­sions of pro­ject eBook and video and dis­sem­in­a­tion of pro­ject results.

This pro­ject had an impact on young people (new com­pet­ences on cre­ativ­ity, sense of ini­ti­at­ive and resi­li­ence through art), pro­fes­sion­als in the field of youth (import­ance of art as a socio-educational tool), artists (new path as mod­els and pos­it­ive ref­er­ences for youth), organ­isa­tions (use of new com­pet­ences and tools) and soci­ety (increased aware­ness on the import­ance of art).