CreARTivity is a 21-months Strategic Partnership in the field of youth for innovation project that involves four organisations from different European countries (Cyprus, Portugal, Italy and Spain), that aims to promote young people’s creativity and sense of initiative through a methodology based on art and jointly created by youth workers and artists in the frame of non-formal education.
The main objectives of the project are:
‑To improve key competences of young people to come up with creative and innovative solutions and put it into practice in a context of crisis;
‑To reinforce the competences of youth workers, urban artists and other professionals in the field of youth for developing higher quality activities and/or projects with young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, using art as a socio-educational tool;
‑To create a new training programme and educational tools for strengthening creativity, sense of initiative and resilience in young people through the experience of artists;
‑To exchange experiences, good practices and methodologies on Emotional Intelligence in urban art between different institutions, organizations and professionals in the field of youth;
‑To create an international network of organizations active in the fields of youth and culture that use art as a tool for skills development, inclusion and social transformation, in order to promote the cooperation between Programme Countries.
Duration of the project: 01/05/2021 – 31/01/2023 [21 months]
The main activities are:
-Online kickoff meeting to define general aspects of the project and planning the steps before the coordination meeting;
‑Local Activity I: Analysis of the artists’ creative process;
-Transnational Coordination Meeting in Portugal to specify strategies, working methodologies and details of activities;
-Local activities II: analysis of learning needs, presentations of the project at local level, identification and meetings with stakeholders and presentation of the project to local population;
-Transnational Coordination Meeting in Spain;
‑Creation of the tools and materials of the Online Training Course for young people and translation to the language of each partner;
-Multiplier Events in each country to launch the Online Training Course;
-Contest of Creative Videos to motivate young people to be creative and take initiative;
‑Creation of the Manual for youth workers to develop creativity and sense of initiative through art;
‑Creation of the eBook and video of the project;
-Final Conference in Italy to present projec results.
-Local Activities III: final versions of project eBook and video and dissemination of project results.
This project had an impact on young people (new competences on creativity, sense of initiative and resilience through art), professionals in the field of youth (importance of art as a socio-educational tool), artists (new path as models and positive references for youth), organisations (use of new competences and tools) and society (increased awareness on the importance of art).