
Iniciativa Internacional Joven wel­comes you and invites you to read this doc­u­ment care­fully, which aims to estab­lish and reg­u­late the rules of use of the web­sites creartivity.aiij and (here­in­after the “Site”), mean­ing all the pages and their con­tents owned by Iniciativa Internacional Joven which are accessed through the domain and its subdomains.


Identification and Ownership

The own­er of this Site is the Asociación Iniciativa Internacional Joven with address at Calle Aristófanes 4, 1º1. 29010 Malaga (Spain). You can con­tact Iniciativa Internacional Joven through the e‑mail address


Terms and Conditions of Use

The use of the Site con­fers the con­di­tion of User of the same and implies full accept­ance of all the clauses and con­di­tions included in this Legal Notice, in the Privacy Policy page and in the Cookies Policy page. The User under­takes to read this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy care­fully each time he/she intends to use the Site, as the Site and its con­di­tions of use may be sub­ject to change. All notices can be reviewed at any time by the user through our website.
If you do not agree with each and every one of the clauses and con­di­tions, please refrain from using this Site.

Access to this Site is free of charge except for the cost of con­nec­tion through the tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions net­work provided by the access pro­vider con­trac­ted by users.

Through this Site, the Proprietor provides you with access to and use of vari­ous con­tents pub­lished by the Proprietor or its part­ners. Iniciativa Internacional Joven reserves the right to modi­fy, sus­pend, ter­min­ate or restrict the con­tent of the Site without notice and without lim­it­a­tion. You are obliged and com­mit­ted not to use any of the con­tents of the web­site for illeg­al pur­poses or effects, pro­hib­ited in this Legal Notice or by law, harm­ful to the rights and interests of oth­ers, or in any way dam­age, dis­able, over­bur­den, impair or impede the nor­mal use of the con­tents, com­puter equip­ment or doc­u­ments, files and all kinds of con­tent stored on any com­puter equip­ment owned or con­trac­ted by Iniciativa Internacional Joven, oth­er users or any Internet user.


Intellectual and indus­tri­al property

The intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty rights of this site are owned by Iniciativa Internacional Joven, or we have the appro­pri­ate author­isa­tion. All trade­marks or dis­tinct­ive signs of any kind con­tained in the site are pro­tec­ted by law.
The repro­duc­tion, per­man­ent stor­age, dis­tri­bu­tion, com­mer­cial­isa­tion, trans­form­a­tion, total or par­tial, or dis­sem­in­a­tion of the con­tents or any oth­er use for pub­lic or com­mer­cial pur­poses is expressly pro­hib­ited without the express pri­or writ­ten con­sent of Iniciativa Internacional Joven, and con­sti­tutes an infringe­ment of the intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty rights of Iniciativa Internacional Joven. The unau­thor­ised use of the inform­a­tion con­tained in this site, as well as the dam­ages caused to the intel­lec­tu­al and indus­tri­al prop­erty rights, may give rise to leg­al action and, if appro­pri­ate, to the liab­il­it­ies that may arise from such action.


Processing of Personal Data

Iniciativa Internacional Joven pro­cesses your per­son­al data in accord­ance with the pro­vi­sions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of indi­vidu­als with regard to the pro­cessing of per­son­al data and on the free move­ment of such data and repeal­ing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). On the Privacy Policy page you can con­sult all the inform­a­tion relat­ing to the pro­cessing of per­son­al data col­lec­ted by the Data Controller.


Exclusion of liability

Although the Holder has obtained the inform­a­tion, mul­ti­me­dia con­tent and mater­i­als included in the web­site from sources it con­siders reli­able and has taken all reas­on­able meas­ures to ensure that the inform­a­tion con­tained is cor­rect, the Holder does not guar­an­tee that it is accur­ate, com­plete or updated. Iniciativa Internacional Joven expressly dis­claims any liab­il­ity for error or omis­sion in the inform­a­tion con­tained in the pages of this Site and is not respons­ible in any way for the effect­ive­ness or accur­acy of the same, being exempt from any con­trac­tu­al or extra-contractual liab­il­ity to users. This Site may pub­lish con­tent provided by third parties or com­pan­ies. We are not respons­ible for the vera­city and accur­acy of the same, being exempt from any con­trac­tu­al or extra-contractual liab­il­ity to users who make use of them.

Likewise, Iniciativa Internacional Joven declines any respons­ib­il­ity for pos­sible dam­ages that may be caused by the lack of avail­ab­il­ity and/or con­tinu­ity of this Site and the ser­vices offered on it.

Iniciativa Internacional Joven does not guar­an­tee the absence of vir­uses or oth­er ele­ments on the web­site that may cause alter­a­tions to your com­puter sys­tem. Iniciativa Internacional Joven declines any con­trac­tu­al or extra-contractual respons­ib­il­ity with the users who make use of it and have dam­ages of any nature caused by com­puter vir­uses or com­puter ele­ments of any kind.

Iniciativa Internacional Joven will not be respons­ible for the opin­ions expressed by users through the com­ments sys­tem, social net­works or oth­er par­ti­cip­a­tion tools, in accord­ance with the pro­vi­sions of the applic­able reg­u­la­tions. The Holder reserves the right to remove any com­ments that viol­ate cur­rent legis­la­tion, harm­ful to the rights or interests of third parties, or which, in its opin­ion, are not suit­able for publication.

Iniciativa Internacional Joven declines any respons­ib­il­ity for the ser­vices and/or inform­a­tion provided on oth­er sites linked to this one. Iniciativa Internacional Joven does not con­trol or exer­cise any type of super­vi­sion on third party web­sites and the estab­lish­ment of the link does not imply in any case the exist­ence of a rela­tion­ship between Iniciativa Internacional Joven and the own­er of the site where the link is estab­lished, nor the accept­ance or approv­al by the own­er of its con­tents or ser­vices. We advise users to act with cau­tion and to con­sult any leg­al con­di­tions that may be set out on these web­sites. In the event that the User becomes aware that the linked Sites refer to pages whose con­tents or ser­vices are illi­cit, harm­ful, den­ig­rat­ing, viol­ent or con­trary to mor­al­ity, we would be grate­ful if he/she would con­tact Iniciativa Internacional Joven. Users who send any type of inform­a­tion to Iniciativa Internacional Joven under­take to ensure that it is truth­ful and that it does not viol­ate any third party rights or cur­rent legislation.


Cookies Policy

On the Cookies Policy page you can con­sult all the inform­a­tion relat­ing to the policy of col­lec­tion and treat­ment of cookies.


Legislation and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice, as well as the use of the Site, is gov­erned in each and every one of its aspects by Spanish law. This con­tract is drawn up in the Spanish lan­guage. In the event that any pro­vi­sion of this Legal Notice is unen­force­able or void under applic­able law or as a res­ult of a judi­cial or admin­is­trat­ive decision, such unen­force­ab­il­ity or invalid­ity shall not render this Legal Notice unen­force­able or void as a whole. In such cases, Iniciativa Internacional Joven will pro­ceed to modi­fy or replace such pro­vi­sion with one that is val­id and enforce­able and that, to the extent pos­sible, achieves the object­ive and intent reflec­ted in the ori­gin­al provision.



If you have any ques­tions about the con­di­tions reflec­ted in this Legal Notice, or if you would like to make any sug­ges­tions or recom­mend­a­tions, please con­tact Iniciativa Internacional Joven via the email address provided in the “Identification and Ownership” section.