This module is called “Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship”. In this last module the information you can find will help you to have some tips to help young people to develop their sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. In addition to this you will have explained in different infographics and videos the development of this quality, how to carry out an idea, what relates creativity with the sense of initiative; what is an action plan and how to create it and finally you will find links to different videos based on the transformation of the mistake into a learning opportunity.
The main objective of this module is to put into practice the knowledge acquired throughout the Online Training Course. The development of our entrepreneurial spirit implies a personal and positive knowledge (good self-esteem, recognition of emotions, fluency in creativity).
To work on it, you will find, first of all, the concepts of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, as well as the skills, attitudes and values to be developed for this purpose.
You will also receive a guide and a video that will allow you to put your personal ideas into practice.
To do so, it is essential to learn how to create an action plan, in which the objectives, deadlines and resources needed to put your idea into action will be set. Here is an explanatory video
Lastly, you can view the experiences of the artists. They present an idea that seemed like a mistake and turned out to be an opportunity.
Interview with Break Free:
Interview with Dj Lucky:
Interview with Papov:
Interview with Eskarnia: