This mod­ule is called “Sense of ini­ti­at­ive and entre­pren­eur­ship”. In this last mod­ule the inform­a­tion you can find will help you to have some tips to help young people to devel­op their sense of ini­ti­at­ive and entre­pren­eur­i­al spir­it. In addi­tion to this you will have explained in dif­fer­ent infograph­ics and videos the devel­op­ment of this qual­ity, how to carry out an idea, what relates cre­ativ­ity with the sense of ini­ti­at­ive; what is an action plan and how to cre­ate it and finally you will find links to dif­fer­ent videos based on the trans­form­a­tion of the mis­take into a learn­ing opportunity.

The main object­ive of this mod­ule is to put into prac­tice the know­ledge acquired through­out the Online Training Course. The devel­op­ment of our entre­pren­eur­i­al spir­it implies a per­son­al and pos­it­ive know­ledge (good self-esteem, recog­ni­tion of emo­tions, flu­ency in creativity).

To work on it, you will find, first of all, the con­cepts of a sense of ini­ti­at­ive and entre­pren­eur­ship, as well as the skills, atti­tudes and val­ues to be developed for this purpose.

You will also receive a guide and a video that will allow you to put your per­son­al ideas into practice.

To do so, it is essen­tial to learn how to cre­ate an action plan, in which the object­ives, dead­lines and resources needed to put your idea into action will be set. Here is an explan­at­ory video


Lastly, you can view the exper­i­ences of the artists. They present an idea that seemed like a mis­take and turned out to be an opportunity.


Interview with Break Free:


Interview with Dj Lucky:


Interview with Papov:



Interview with Eskarnia: