Video sum­mary of the project

Our European pro­ject to sup­port innov­a­tion, “CreARTivity,” which aims to pro­mote cre­ativ­ity and a sense of ini­ti­at­ive in young people through an art-based meth­od­o­logy cre­ated jointly by youth pro­fes­sion­als and artists, has come to an end.

As a clos­ing of the pro­ject, we leave you with a video sum­mary of all the phases and activ­it­ies car­ried out through­out the pro­ject. We hope you enjoy it!

CreARTivity is a pro­ject co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, coordin­ated by our organ­iz­a­tion (Iniciativa Internacional Joven), and in col­lab­or­a­tion with Espressione Hip Hop (Italy), AAUTS (Portugal), and True Enforcers of Advance Movement (Cyprus).

#creart­iv­ity #erasmus­plus #stra­tegic­part­ner­ships #european­pro­ject #innov­a­tion #onlinet­rain­ing #art #cre­ativ­ity #cre­ativid­ad #arte #malaga #málaga #spain #teatinos­malaga