Project Meeting in Portugal

After a first phase of Local Actities in each coun­try, rep­res­ent­at­ives and experts from all organ­isa­tions we met in Lisbon (Portugal) to coordin­ate the first activ­it­ies of the pro­ject and reflect on artist­ic cre­ations and dif­fer­ent tools used by the artists to boost their creativity.
The main intel­lec­tu­al product of the pro­ject will be an online train­ing course for young people that we will be cre­at­ing over the next few months and will be launched in the first half of next year.

Besides the meet­ing, we could vis­it Cova da Moura neigh­bour­hood thanks to our host­ing organ­isa­tion AAUTS, that explained the activ­it­ies they do there and how graf­fiti and rap are used as tools for inclu­sion and social trans­form­a­tion. We had also the pos­sib­il­ity to meet with pre­vi­ous par­ti­cipants of our pro­jects and vis­it some graf­fit­is that were painted dur­ing the Final Conference of the pro­ject “Inclusion through Fusion”.